Dora Vota Revolutionizes Blockchain Privacy with MACI Protocol - dora, dora factory

Dora Vota Revolutionizes Blockchain Privacy with MACI Protocol

Dora Vota uses the anonymous MACI protocol to ensure secure decentralized governance and private on-chain communication. aMACI enhances voter anonymity and reduces collusion, advancing privacy in blockchain-based decentralized governance systems. Dor

Muhammad Syofri Ardiyanto
SEC seeks 4-month extension for fact discovery in Coinbase lawsuit - sec, fact

SEC seeks 4-month extension for fact discovery in Coinbase lawsuit

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has requested a four-month extension to complete fact discovery in its lawsuit against Coinbase. In a letter submitted to Judge Katherine Polk Failla on Sept. 18, the SEC asked to move the current disco

Assad Jafri